Category: Software Review
Xamarin: The great candidate winning mobile application development

Native applications? HTML5 web design? To opt for a hybrid development? The mobile application developers often face the problem of what path to choose when riding your application. Some defend the native development to exploit the particular functionality that each platform offers so that takes advantage of all the possibilities of each. However, this requires …
How to start learning programming tips and resources
How to connect a smartphone and tablet to a TV

The mobile phones have become powerful media center capable of playing multiple formats of image and sound, surf the Internet and access to countless leisure services online. However, their small screens make it difficult to enjoy these audiovisual content with the highest quality, hence it interesting that often connect to other more inches. Is it …
Save attachments in Gmail Google Drive automatically
Install Google Chrome 64-bit Windows
The app of the giants of the Web dedicated to health

Health information online is growing exponentially Internet users interest in the topic of health, show sites for searching for a specialist doctor in the vicinity or deepen their pathology or even find and the counter medication right your needs. And that is the issue of health premimente for connected users …
The future of Ubuntu is only the 64bit version

During the Ubuntu Developer Summit, i.e. UDS 14.11, among the many topics discussed, there was also talk of what will be the future release of Ubuntu in the 32bit version. The following certainly will not make many users happy. For those who have followed the environment and the community of developers …