What often brings the smartwatch some new value that we were no longer on mobile?


When launched the first smartphone also had reservations, who would want such an expensive device that was what ultimately made ​​the rest of mobile phones: call and send messages. It is the paradigm that is created with each new gadget that launches. The tablets are great phones and why serves a smartwatch? Like all smart gadgets …

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The super retro emulator that connects a Game Boy a Zero Raspberry Pi and a modified cartridge

Game Boy a Zero Raspberry Pi

Undoubtedly one of the most legendary Nintendo consoles and all time is the Game Boy, which is considered the first approach to mobile experiences video game, his legacy has allowed millions of enthusiasts around the world are looking for spare parts for this console and cartridges and accessories, as able to play again …

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Do not underestimate Linux, you never imagine where you can find it!


It is a fact that operating systems based on GNU / Linux still untapped potential in the domestic market. Its share of use in our laptops and home computers continues to hover around 1 and 2% according to Net Applications, and although every year we hear phrases like “this will be the year of Linux on the desktop”, …

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