Why almost nobody follows the trail to Samsung with Note and its stylus?

These days has announced the launch of LG Stylo 2, a phablet 5.7 inches which is one of the last to join a trend that began with the Samsung family Note: has a stylus, which curiously has not curdled among most manufacturers.

Saving the small disaster famous “Pengate” of Note 5, it is certain that for many users this type of element is essential in their day to day, but the curious thing is that despite this very few manufacturers decide to integrate this option on their devices. Why?


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Are you still using the stylus in your phablets (or smartphones)?

A survey conducted last year among users of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and Note Edge revealed that 22.35% of all used their pointers every day, while 50% confessed to occasionally use them to take notes or use a Pen Window.

The question of “Who wants a stylus?” It’s became famous when Steve Jobs derided that concept in the presentation of the original iPhone in 2007. That supplement that had been part of some “smartphones” (indispensable for PDAs and Pocket PCs, of course) pre-generation iPhone was relegated to a background, but Samsung would rescue years later with his first Galaxy Note.

But what proved that device was not that many were to seize a pointer: what really marked a turning point was the realization that those sizes of giant screen (5.3 inches in 2011 were something monstrous) themselves were very useful for many users: the phablet fever broke, but its came not associated with the “fever stylus”.

It seems that enough people want a stylus

At least, judging by the offer that exists in all kinds of shops on offer stylus to use the smartphone with this type of accessory, in the case of Apple iPhone it has never offered an official accessory, finally surrendered to the iPad Pro but independent manufacturers have flooded the market stylus specially designed for both this and all kinds of smartphones.

It’s funny how despite all that accessory made to appear an alternative market: if manufacturers did not integrate these elements into their devices, it was possible to use them as an option. Also manufacturers of cases have been supporters of this trend, and in many cases we can find covers for conventional smartphones, and not just phablets- with pointers included.

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Here there have been inventions of all kinds, of course: in South Korea went further and users ended up taking advantage of small cylinders of sauces whose electrostatic behavior is similar to that of the humans fingers to interact with their iPhones without removing gloves in times of cold. It was obvious that for these scenarios these accessories were ideal.

Are assistant’s alternative voice?

Today Samsung remains the only major advocate of the concept, but still there are some manufacturers such as LG and Alcatel offer devices in which the pointer is part of the experience. However only Samsung bet intensive use of this accessory through several specific software enhancements for these products.

Attendees Voice Siri, Google Now, Cortana- might have dulled to such elements, especially the ability to make quick notes to blow voice recorder mode. However this capacity cannot compete with the fact that these devices allow scribbling written notes or small drawings directly and at any time, and even allow improving productivity in those screens thanks to that fine control on the screen.

The final question is clear: if there are users that really draw much party, why other manufacturers have not seen the reef? It’s something I just wanted to share with you. Are ye stylus users? Have you changed your use of this accessory over time? And if it has, how? Visit http://rewardprice.com/ for more update reviews.

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