Thanks to the visionary capacity of certain companies and personalities ahead of their time, various technological inventions profoundly revolutionized the society in which we live. These are some of the 11 technologies that changed the world.
Sir Arthur C. Clarke said that “any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic,” and he was not without reason. Numerous technical historical inventions have completely revolutionized the world. Who could imagine in the Middle Ages that music could be carried anywhere thanks to a Walkman? Or who would tell our grandparents that it would be possible to carry out all kinds of remote work from a computer?
A few years ago, the prestigious Time magazine chose some of the most relevant and significant technological inventions of the last decades based on criteria such as advances in technology, writing, electricity and business. We recap some of the most important ones to give them relevance.
Apple’s first iPhone
Those from Cupertino launched the famous first iPhone in 2007, a mobile that determined the beginning of an era thanks to its revolutionary screen, the popularization of games and applications, the intuitive keyboard or the powerful battery. Behind him, multiple models have paraded with increasingly incredible features.
Sony Trinitron
The Trinitron was the first TV receiver and the Sony company launched in 1968 and which led to the spread of color television in homes, selling more than 100 million units worldwide. Journalist Edward R. Murrow had to regret having described the device as “nothing more than cables and lights in a box.”
First mouse commercialized in history
The German company Telefunken launched in the early 1970s a model of a computer mouse that contained a small rubber sphere inside, responsible for recording the coordinates. Then came the mice from the Xerox personal computers, such as the Alto, from 1973. As for the beginnings of this essential technological gadget, it is necessary to go back to the first mouse presented by Engelbart in 1968, consisting of a small wooden box with a red button on the top and a cable that simulated precisely the tail of a mouse.
Apple Macintosh
It doesn’t look much like the current ones, does it? Launched in the early 1980s, the first Macintosh in 1981 revolutionized everything with a powerful graphical user interface and ease of use.
Sony’s Walkman
Time defined this addictive cassette tape playback device, so popular in previous decades before the advent of digital formats or their successors – the discman and the mp3 player – as “the first musical device that combined portability, simplicity and accessibility.”
IBM Model 5150
This clunker boasts the pride of being the first personal computer, constituting the original version and the progenitor of the IBM PC compatible hardware platform. It came into the world on August 12, 1981 as part of the fifth generation of computers.
The gramophone
The gramophone was an innovative system for recording and reproducing audio, the sound of which came from flat discs and not from cylinders. As in the case of the phonograph that used cylinders, the sound of the vitrola came from flat discs. The same principle was used for decades. “Victor Talking Machine Company” was the model that made audio players one more member of the home, standing out for its elegant design crowned by its amplifying horn hidden inside a wooden cabinet. Later, the company would be bought by RCA.
Regency TR-1 Transistor Radio
Novel transistors made it easier to create smaller portable devices. This was the first pocket radio, forerunner of the era of high-tech miniaturization. This innovation is post WWII and was developed by Texas Instruments and Industrial Engineering Associates Development. The transistors amplified the radio signal using printed circuit boards.
Kodak Brownie
When it came on the market in 1900, this adorable Kodak Brownie came at the laughable price of a dollar and was the first mass-use portable camera.
Apple iPod
The iPod was Apple’s workhorse for years, it completely changed the music consumption panorama, it catapulted iTunes as a platform and today, it continues to have high sales figures in the market.
Atari 2600
The 1977 Atari 2600 was the dream of thousands of children and adolescents, in addition to the third console that used interchangeable cartridges, making them popular for more than two decades. Would you like to play a little game?
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