If you find yourself in a position where you need to take a lot of stuff to the tip or you have some bulky items to move , the first thought might be to load them into your car. Many people are concerned about the lack of a rear view mirror but this is not illegal in itself. Van drivers don’t have the luxury of a rear view, they have to rely on their wings and this is why it’s illegal to not have wing mirrors.
Overloading the car is the real issue here. It’s tempting to try and pack in as much as you can but if you overload the car this means that the front steering and brakes become less responsive and the grip is greatly reduced. You might think that the engine in the front represents more than enough weight to counteract what you put in the back and in the past this may have been true. Modern engines are more efficient and do not carry as much weight as they once did.
The best move is to get a trailer and make sure you have plenty of Trailer Parts for spares. Autoandtrailer.com can give you these and they will make sure that you stay legally on the road. Trails are also subject to MOT and safety tests just as much as the rest of the car. They will make transporting things a lot easier and safer.