When it comes to the smaller organizations, there are a number of business and law firm SEO services out there. But without a successful mobile scheme, businesses big and small won’t maximize their online presence and will likely wind up dead in the water.Yes, the landscape of technology and SEO is ever changing as more folks pick up smartphones and tablets. According to Microsoft, there are four billion mobile devices in the world, and over a billion of these are smartphones.Also, according to Kioskea, mobile web makes up 10% of global web traffic and this number is increasing both steadily and exponentially. That means it’s time to not just implement mobile SEO into web strategies, but to anticipate future trends as well. Here are some top tips from Google on just how to accomplish this.
Don’t Discount Organic Searches
Many local businesses and firms aren’t sold on mobile SEO just yet because they aren’t seeing the hard data in the realm of ROI. But this is misleading. Because while Google Analytics can segment organic traffic, it still lacks certain functionality, such as being able to track phone calls from organic searches. Therefore, local businesses should know that low mobile stats are usually underestimating by quite a bit.
The good news is that Google is working on the issue, and now local businesses can take advantage of Offer Ad Extensions which aims to connect mobile marketing efforts with tracking in-store purchases as well as call reporting.
Rethink Keywords
In the world of standard desktop SEO, marketers concentrate on prioritizing keywords according to criteria such as competition, difficulty, estimated search volume per month, etc. But there are other things to take into account when considering mobile SEO, like the time difference between search and action, which is very short. Therefore, marketers should target monthly mobile search volume using the Google Keyword Tool.
Responsive Web Design is a Must
According to more stats from Microsoft, mobile sales have surpassed desktop computer sales. And Google suggests responsive design is always better when crafting a website because these mobile devices are only getting better. In fact, most current mobile devices have zero problems loading sophisticated regular sites, so there’s no need to skimp on functionality.
Focus on User Context
This is especially true for local businesses. That’s because 1 in 3 mobile searches is local.And out of all local searches, up to 74% comes from mobile devices. Therefore, search marketers should implement a strategy geared towards the most profitable user contexts. Marketers can even create one single ad campaign in AdWords and disseminate it to a number of devices while merely adjusting the ad copy based on context.
These are just a few tips and trends local businesses should keep in mind when crafting their mobile SEO strategy. One final stat business owners should bear in mind regarding the power of mobile: the average American spends 2.7 hours each day socializing on their mobile device. And this figure is only expected to increase over time.