Xamarin: The great candidate winning mobile application development


Native applications? HTML5 web design? To opt for a hybrid development? The mobile application developers often face the problem of what path to choose when riding your application. Some defend the native development to exploit the particular functionality that each platform offers so that takes advantage of all the possibilities of each. However, this requires …

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Is it better to take a selfie with the back camera? Not all phones!

Take a selfie

We use our smartphone to take pictures every day. It is the fastest and most convenient device to use for this purpose. Increased quality of cameras in phones has been remarkable over the years, but usually in the main or rear cameras. There are many users who remain faithful to take selfies using the …

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Time is Money

When it comes to running a business, time is one of the most important components of your success. You have to be an expert at managing every minute, ensuring that not even a second is wasted. When you have downtime, it means that you are not being productive. You have …

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