Many of us know that lead is no longer considered a safe metal for pipes or for use in our homes. These days, it’s considered much healthier and more sensible all around to use copper or PVC for our domestic plumbing systems.
But did you know about the replacement scheme which allows you to have any lead pipework that belongs to your water company replaced?
How does the scheme work?
Water companies are only responsible for replacing their part of any lead pipework. Usually, their part of the pipework is the piece or pieces which run from the water main to the outside stop valve of someone’s property. It remains your responsibility to replace lead pipework within your property.
What role is technology playing in future drain health?
Fortunately, technology has improved since lead pipes were installed. A CCTV drain survey Leicester from specialist surveyors like is an example. By looking inside drains, both industrial and domestic, plumbers now have a much better view of what is going on inside, be it blockages or cracks which can be fixed early instead of awaiting a bigger problem. A CCTV drain survey can also check for lead pipes.
How should I get started?
Begin by ascertaining what material your current pipes are made of. Check if you’re eligible for the lead pipe replacement scheme on your water company’s website.
The next step will be to decide on what plumber you wish to use – accredited or non-accredited. If using the latter, your water company will need to come and inspect their work before it is buried underground and they can replace their part.
Once your lead pipes are replaced within your home, send the plumber’s certificate to the water company who will attend and mark the road where the replacement is to be made. New plastic piping will be laid, improving the quality of your water and reducing your health risk from the old lead pipes.